Whitetail Health & Fitness

Whitetail Health & Fitness is conveniently located in Colfax, WI just 5 minutes from Whitetail Golf Course.

Located within our tight-knit community, Whitetail Health & Fitness provides a cozy and inclusive space where residents come together to pursue their fitness journey. With a friendly atmosphere and essential workout amenities, we hope you join us as you embark on your quest for fitness!


Office Hours for Summer!

Tuesday 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Wednesday 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM


Group Class Schedule below!

Monday - Cardio Fusion with Kendra @ 5:45 PM

Tuesday - Yoga with Jolene @ 6:30 PM

Wednesday - Cardio Fusion with Kendra @ 5:45 PM

Thursday - Yoga with Jolene @ 9:00 AM

Friday - OFF

Saturday - Cardio Fusion with Kendra @ 7:00 AM

Sunday - OFF


You can always reach us on our Facebook page (Whitetail Health & Fitness), Facebook Messenger, or email at whitney@whitetailgolf.com

Book a Tee Time